What does the Home Office Mandatory Light mean?

Are workplaces Corona hotspots?


The withdrawal from the workplace to the home office should represent a central approach in the fight against the corona pandemic. According to the ordinance of the federal and state governments, employers must make this possible wherever the activities allow.

In the case of office work or comparable activities, employers must offer employees to carry out this in their home, if there are no compelling operational reasons to the contrary.
In addition, companies in Germany are required to provide employees with medical masks wherever presence work is required.

Masks of the FFP2- / KN95 standard should be used for work areas in confined spaces, without adequate ventilation or without sufficient space.


In the explanations to the regulation, the ministry speaks of a "duty" to offer home office "as far as this is possible according to the operational conditions".

Employers are also warned against arbitrarily denying the option to work from home and checks are announced.

However, according to the ministry, there is no obligation for employees to accept and implement a home office offer. Nevertheless, it is advised to reduce the number of infections. As can be seen from the decision paper, the regulation is to apply until March 15th.

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